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Learn strategies for writing a publishable personal essay in a month of live classes and immediately unlock platform building vault with dozens of recorded lessons on creating author websites, essay writing, revising & submitting, email list building, and content sharing. Live classes start on Zoom May 31st.

Welcome! I’m THEO PAULINE NESTOR (I go by Theo with she/her pronouns). I’m the author of two memoirs + numerous essays, and I help writers make their dreams come true. I do.

Please check out my  classes:  How to Write a Modern Love Essay, Write a Powerhouse Book Proposal, Write Your Memoir’s First Chapter & Personal Essay Platform Builder. While you’re here, check out my editing services and sign up for my mailing list (in footer) and get my “17 Places to Submit Your Essays” download. And, you can find my books below—How to Sleep Alone in a King-Size Bed and Writing Is My Drink.